Setting personal goals and planning for the future need not be limited to one month of the year. Still, there’s no avoiding the inherent desire for reflection and growth that comes each December. To welcome positive change for 2022, we checked in with eight women from our inspiring community for the New Year’s resolutions and mantras on their minds, both in their personal lives and how they approach self-care and beauty. Their thought starters, ahead.
“My resolution for the new year is to not stay put,” Grece tells us. “I want to travel, discover and be grateful for all that the world has to offer!” Her beauty mantra for 2022 echoes the sentiment: “My beauty resolution starts with staying fit and active while embracing and being self-confident with all the little changes that come with age.”
Read Grece Ghanem’s Rose Inc profile here.
Jordan is working on letting go of the need for constant productivity. “I want to approach work in a way that it serves me and the life I want, not the other way around,” she says. “I want to be more intentional about setting boundaries and taking on the projects I really feel passionate about, not just for the dollar amount, and trying to let go of the idea that my worth is tied to my output.”
As far as her appearance, she’s leaving old habits in 2021. “In 2022, I want to care less about physical beauty altogether,” she says. “I want to focus less on what I look like on the outside and be intentional about paring back on the routines that I don't find enjoyable. For example, I've learned how much I dislike the time and energy it takes to get my nails and eyebrows done, so in recent years I've decided not to make appointments to maintain them altogether. I want to discover what other beauty steps I've been conditioned to think I need that I actually can go without.”
Read Jordan-Risa Santos’ Rose Inc profile here.
Jordan Risa-Santos
Dasha’s New Year’s resolution comes in three succinct parts: “Build the dream house, give more love to my people and wear sunscreen 24/7.”
Read Dasha Kim’s Rose Inc profile here.
Sophia’s 2022 mantra starts with gratitude. “The beauty industry tends to make people think that they need to look or be better,” she says. “My resolution is to be happy with where I’m at.” The same goes for her approach to meditative self-care. “Don't be scared of your mind's tendency to want to disappear,” she says, “That's where you find all the good stuff!”
Read Sophia Roe’s Rose Inc profile here.
Sylvie wants to “meditate more consistently and learn more about art.” Additionally, her beauty goals are to “leave my skin alone and stop experimenting with random products.”
Read Sylvie Mus’ Rose Inc profile here.
In 2022, Courtney wants to spend more time in nature—and away from the constant need to check her devices. “To be actively present is a big goal of mine for the year ahead,” she says. When it comes to beauty and wellness, she is going “to focus more on rest and to factor sleep into my beauty routine. Being well rested does wonders for the skin—and I want to really lean into that.”
Read Courtney Halverson’s Rose Inc profile here.
Courtney Halverson
For 2022, Aditi is prioritizing love and the three organizing guidelines for the Black Lives Matter movement: “Low ego, high impact and to move at the speed of trust,” she says. When it comes to her daily routine, she’s prioritizing skincare, which also means, “prioritizing staying hydrated!”
Read Aditi Mayer’s Rose Inc profile here.
Taj’s 2022 resolution is to “move with intention while protecting my energy,” she says. “Choosing to invest in relationships and opportunities (both work and life) that continue to add value to my overall wellbeing.” Speaking of wellbeing, she wants to find “a routine that works for me and stick to it,” she says. “Learning to be consistent…honestly, that’s it.”
Read Taj Alwan’s Rose Inc profile here.
Beige pink
Satin Copper
Rich red copper
White Gold Shimmer
Light gold with pearl