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A Derm’s Guide to Banishing Body Breakouts

If anything can put a damper on one's confidence during summer, it's body breakouts. If you’ve noticed pimples pop up on your chest, back, butt or legs, you’re not alone. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marisa Garshick says these are common body breakout areas.

“Body acne and breakouts can be characterized by comedones, which refer to whiteheads and blackheads, as well as inflammatory red bumps, including papules and pustules,” Dr. Garshick explains. “Unlike some other types of skin inflammation, body acne and breakouts are generally not dry or flaky.”

So, what causes these pesky body breakouts? According to Dr. Garshick, “breakouts can be related to inflammation, oil production or clogging of the pores, as well as bacteria.” Moreover, she says body breakouts are often the result of built-up sweat or occlusion from wearing tight-fitting clothing. Because we tend to get sweatier during the summer, that’s when we’re likely to experience more body breakouts, but Dr. Garshick notes they can pop up any time of year.

To help prevent and treat body breakouts, Dr. Garshick shares some tips below.

By Felix Ruiz Diez

“...avoid over-exfoliation, which can occur from using too harsh of an exfoliant or exfoliating too often...”

By Felix Ruiz Diez

" can also help to use vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps fight free radical damage while also brightening the skin and improving discoloration."

By Felix Ruiz Diez

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